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I specialise in helping individuals of all ages from children to adults, who suffer with food and environmental sensitivities which can also lead to gut and skin issues.  I have designed my programmes to provide you with a pathway to recovery.  It's about restoring the simple pleasure of enjoying food and the environment, without fear or discomfort.  

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This is a standalone consultation and assessment to get a full picture of your health issues, symptoms and medical history.  NAET testing will be carried out to determine which foods, nutrients and environmental substances you are sensitive to and may be causing adverse reactions in the body.  Also, an assessment of food diary and any tests results. 

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Essential Rebalance

If you suspect or know that you are suffering with allergies, sensitivities or intolerances to foods and would like to know what they are then this programme is where you start. A non-evasive, gentle therapy called NAET identifies which foods/substances are causing an imbalance in the body.  Treatments are given that corrects the body’s adverse reaction and you will start to see the results for yourself.  

Advanced Rebalance

This is an in-depth programme that will make a real difference in your life.  It is for anyone who has known sensitivities to foods/environmental substances and struggles to keep on top of what foods to eat and avoid. You want a solution that doesn’t involve eliminating lots of popular foods that are hard to avoid for months on end. Also, you want to be able to enjoy your environment without suffering from adverse effects like itchy, irritated skin, eyes and nose. You want to be able to have the foods you like without fear or dread of unpleasant reactions.


Restore and Rebuild

Have you been dealing with ongoing gut or skin issues which do not resolve and have become your ‘normal’? Are you feeling overwhelmed and can’t get a handle on what is causing the imbalance in your body and want to find the root cause of what is happening to you. Then this programme is for you. This is a deep dive into peeling back the layers of unresolved issues that have become your 'normal'.  There is no quick fix, so be prepared to go on a  journey of discovery to achieve real and lasting shifts in your health

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